I have always loved video games. I've had my share of many (very fun) sleepless nights because of video games - thank you Legend of Zelda. Since I came to this country I've always had some type of gaming console. My first one was the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) which I got as a birthday present back in 1989 (thanks Beth, Mel and their boyfriends for introducing me to the greatest invention). Then a Sega Genesis, then the Sony Playstation, followed by Xbox, Nintendo Gameboy Advanced, Gamecube, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS/Lite, and the Wii (what's next?). I bought the Nintendo DS as a birthday present for my husband, but our daughter (who was at the time only 3 years old) played it more than he did. We decided to get her her own so daddy can have his back. We now actually have 4 DSs (silver, pink, black, white - hmmm did't they just release the two tone crimson/black?). Anyway, the first game she ever completed was the Super Princess Peach (she was only 4 years old). The girl's hand-eye coordination is amazing (try Super Monkey Ball). Sometimes I just shake my head when I watch her play Zelda the Twilight Princess (Wii). And when I play, I sometimes have to ask her which button to press to perform a particular task. She turned 5 this past July.
Over a year ago my husband established the "No TV and video games before noon" policy. Of course this rule only applies to our daughter. And about a month ago we cut back even more - she can no longer bring her DS with her when she goes to bed. The DS has to stay in the living room to charge overnight. It definitely improved her demeanor. Now she is not like a "zombie" when she kisses us goodnight. We always want to be vigilant and make sure she gets plenty of non-electronic stimulation. She loves to read, do crafts, coloring, and play with her kitty. We take her to the library every other week.

Co-worker: "Do you know the grays?
Me: "No"
Co-workder: "You know, the aliens like ET?"
Me: "Oh yeah. I've never heard that before."
Co-worker: "Well, you know how they have slender limbs, big eyes, and big head, and gray?"
Me: "Yeah"
Co-worker: "They are not aliens as in aliens from outer space."
Me: "What do you mean?"
Co-worker: "Well, they are from our future. They are the video game kids who have come back from the future. They have evolve to looking like the aliens that we know now - the grays. That's also explains why they only have 3 fingers. They do not need all 5 fingers to play video game.
I suppose they are gray because they have lost their skin pigmentation from being inside the house all day playing video games.
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