Yesterday, I finished setting up a second domain controller -- with difficulty. The dcpromo completed without a hitch. AD objects from the other DC (DC1) copied to the new server (DC2), but when I checked to see if my logon scripts replicated, the NETLOGON and SYSVOL folders were missing. I proceeded to setup DC2 as my secondary DNS. I added it in the Name Servers list on my primary DNS server. The FQDN resolved which confirmed connectivity to DC2, and DC2 was able to successfully pull the Forward Lookup Zones from the master server. This still leaves me the mystery of the non-existent SYSVOL and NETLOGON folders. Some people suggested to demote and repromote the server. That seemed too much work for me. When I ran repadmin/showreps the report returned DNS errors. Hmmm... it's always DNS..... DNS, DNS, DNS. I double checked my DNS settings and all looked fine, but why in the world could I not replicate my servers?!?
Okay, so I could not ping DC2 from DC1 (IP and netbios name), or from my computer - very puzzling. Through Sites and Services snap-in my new DC was listed under Servers, but under NTDS Settings there was nothing. I was expecting to see one object there which would have been automatically generated. I added a new connection to DC1, but when I ran "Check Replication Topology" it returned an error: "The naming context is in the process of being removed or is not replicated from the specified server." What the....??? If I cannot ping the server from DC1 how can DC2 receive inbound connection for the replication to take place? I was thinking its connectivity problem, but DC2 could ping DC1! I cleared the arp table on DC1, but still no go. The only other thing I did not check was the firewall. Since I cannot ping DC2 I checked its firewall settings and found that it was enabled. With the Windows firewall disabled, Viola! everything was perfect :) Damn firewall!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
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